The first few weeks are hard, the adjustment with a new baby while taking care of your own healing body. Making it to the 100th day is no small feat and should be celebrated! A 100 day old Baby Photoshoot is on the rising trend.
Now that baby is no longer a fragile newborn, she is starting to maintain eye-contact and might even smile in delight at you!
Related Read: Trending: Your Baby’s 100th Day Photoshoot!
In many cultures, a baby’s 100th day is seen as a significant milestone. It’s a time to celebrate the child’s survival during the few early months of life, when they are most vulnerable. It’s also a time to look forward to the future, as the child begins to develop their own unique personality and traits.
One of the best ways to mark this special occasion is with a 100 day old baby photoshoot. These sessions are designed to capture the beauty and innocence of your little one at this age, and to create memories that you’ll treasure for years to come.

Singapore 100 day old Baby Studio
In Oh Dear Studio, our 100 day old baby photoshoots are fully guided.
Each session is inclusive of approximately 2 or 3 different settings in our beautiful natural lit colonial shophouse. Different combinations of photographs will be captured to celebrate this important milestone. Be it baby’s solo, full family and/or with grandparents, be assured of stylish beautiful images.
Whether you prefer a classic, timeless look or something more creative and fun, a 100 day old baby photoshoot is the perfect way to capture this special time in your child’s life. Plus, it’s a wonderful opportunity for you as parents to get in front of the camera and create some beautiful family photos that you’ll cherish forever.

10 Interesting facts about 100 day old babies
- For many parents, reaching the 100 day mark is a significant milestone, marking the end of the “fourth trimester” and the beginning of a new phase in their child’s development.
- Many cultures believe that a baby’s first 100 days are a time of vulnerability and that extra care should be taken to protect them during this period.
- At 100 days old, babies are starting to become more social, with some beginning to recognize familiar faces and respond to them with smiles and coos.
- By 100 days old, babies have typically tripled their birth weight and are beginning to outgrow their newborn clothes. (Time for more shopping!)
- Many parents choose to mark their child’s 100th day with a photoshoot, capturing this special time in their development.
- 100 day old babies are starting to gain more control over their movements and are beginning to reach for and grasp objects.
- At 100 days old, babies are beginning to develop their own unique personalities, with some showing a preference for their caretakers or toys!
- By the time a baby is 100 days old, they are more likely to have developed a sleep-wake cycle, with longer periods of sleep at night and more wakeful periods during the day.
- During the first 100 days of life, a baby’s brain undergoes significant development, with millions of neurons forming connections and pathways.
- In Korean and Chinese culture, a baby’s 100th day is seen as a significant milestone and is often celebrated with a special ceremony.