
新加坡家庭摄影 ~ 记录幸福的家庭瞬间

新加坡家庭摄影 。 新加坡摄影师 。 新加坡亲子照 。 新加坡家庭照 。 新加坡亲子照 Oh Dear Studio 这个摄影工作室,是由一位妈妈摄影师所创立。拥有超过十一年丰富经验,Melody 是新加坡专业家庭摄影师的首选之一。 因为妈妈的身份,她擅长产妇,新生儿和全家福摄影。Melody 会逗孩子玩,用道具来活跃气氛,也会指导一家人应该要摆什么样的姿势。 和Melody一起的拍照过程就像和一个老朋友聚会一样轻松自在。保证可以给你和家人们带来很好的体验。 这个工作室位于新加坡历史保留区布莱尔平原 (Blair Plain),那边本身就是个取景的圣地。 你也可以选择在工作室棚内的画布或者布景进行拍摄。 Oh Dear Studio 的风格是自然,倾向于抓拍,不强凹造型。在你和家人们互动的时候,捕捉到最动人的那一瞬间。留存美好的瞬间;让回忆变得更加具体! 地址:Oh Dear Studio 87 Kampong Bahru Road #02-01 Singapore 169381预约电话:97383447

Prepare peranakan theme photoshoot

Peranakan Theme Photoshoot – How to Prepare

Photographed somewhere between 1857 and 1858, the Peranakans were some of the earliest subject for pioneer European photographers. Amek Gambar translates to “taking pictures.” Peranakans were among those intrigued by photography, not to mention being able to afford this emerging expensive technology. Photography today had become much more affordable and we celebrate important family milestones…

What is 5R Soft Copy?

Why is the above canvas blur and What is 5R Soft Copy? 5R is a photo-size at 5”x7” (5 inches by 7 inches) or (12.7cm x 17.8cm), roughly half the size of an A4.It is one of the standardized photo-size recognized by most professional and printing shops today. 5R – 2250 pixel by 1500 pixel,…