Taking graduation photos with the whole extended family is a lot of fun, but sometimes it can be challenging to capture those spontaneous, candid moments. Pictures really capture the joy and excitement of the occasion.
Here are some of my some tips and tricks for taking candid shots during a multi-generational graduation photoshoot that helps me get the perfect picture every time!

#1 Get everyone moving
One of my number one trick to getting candid shots is to encourage everyone to look around
(I might yell “Look at your favourite person!” or “Let’s chat about lunch and who’s buy!”) and have fun.
I sometimes even encourage jumping, dancing, tickling the toddler or play peek-a-boo with the baby.

#2 Embrace the chaos
The best photos sometimes come from unexpected moments of chaos or silliness. I love taking shots of the family members who are goofing off or making silly faces – these photos can often be the most memorable and cherished.
#3 Use the environment
Our colonial shophouse is beautiful and stylish, with full French Glass Windows brimming with natural light. The heritage environment provides the perfect setting for candid shots that look great in your family photo album.
Bonus: Natural lights are soft and glowing, resulting in photographs that barely needs any photoshopping!

#4 Shooting lots of photos
When taking candid shots, I always take plenty of photos so that we can choose the best ones later. A quick series of shots to capture those fleeting moments of joy and laughter.
#5 Breaking out the bubbles
Sometimes, toddlers or young children simply will not cooperate and refused to sit for a picture. Instead of forcing or bribing them with a cookie, I might suggest a quick run around the rooftop with bubbles! A quick change of environment usually works wonder. Plus it’s a great chance to have some really candid images of the children and grandparents!
Letting everyone be themselves
From years of photography experiences, I have learnt that the best candid shots come from letting everyone be themselves. A cool personality? Or a quirky goofy one? I strive to let my photographs tells who they are.
So there you have it, some of my tips and tricks to taking picture-perfect candid shots for your multi-generational graduation photoshoot. Let’s discuss on capturing those unforgettable moments of joy, laughter, and celebration!

Related Read: What’s in one Extended Family Photoshoot?