I hear you. The number one concern is usually: “What if my toddler does not smile during the photo-shoot“?
Photographing toddlers is notoriously challenging. These little humans are quick, they can be stubborn and they know exactly what they want. How can someone so small be so adorable, so squishy and yet so… head-strong? How do we make them smile or cooperate for a photoshoot?
Read also: Secrets to Amazing Toddler and Newborn Studio Photos
The thing is, we have been hard-wired into thinking we need to be smiling at the camera all the time in order to get good photographs.
The good news is : that is not necessarily true.

“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… It remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything.”

In fact, we should strive to capture the many, many different expressions and moods of our subject – in this case, that will be your toddler.
As a photographer, I want to preserve the very essence of my subject.
The pensiveness, the cheeky grin, the inquisitive glance and much more.
Fortunately, I have some tricks up my sleeve for getting a toddler to cooperate, or at the very least, sit still for a picture.
MUST READ: Perspective Of a 2-Year-Old Toddler

Toddler photoshoot photography tip!
Embrace something they love!
Be it a plushie, a cookie and costume, bring it along for the shoot. It’s a win-win because not only will it be included in some original shots, it will also pacify and calm the little one at the same time!
Choosing the right time.
Choosing your toddler’s photoshoot around or near mealtimes or naptimes are the worst choices you can make when planning your shoot. They WILL be cranky and fussy. Our suggestion? Go for early mornings! Or a time when your toddler is active, yet calm.

Bribery are over-rated.
This might sound surprising since everyone loves a reward, right?
Grasping the concept of work-for-reward is hard for a toddler. They have yet to learn that behaving now means a treat much later. Refrain from mentioning the bribe during the session. Kids getting alternately bribed or threatened with their “treats” often feel more stress and will act out of character.
Instead, take small time-outs or breaks during the shoot for them to have sips of water or a small snack.

Realistic expectation
While your photographer will do everything within her power to get smiling pictures, there are times where your toddler just won’t be a model. That is really okay though, as the pictures are meant to reflect their personality after all – be it shy, silly or curious.
The location and space
Toddlers are easily distracted and outdoor shoots for them might not be suitable, primarily due to Singapore’s humid and warm weather. Consider an indoor space with natural light that is toddler-friendly instead.

Bring along something they love. Picture above: Toddler with her favourite Teddy Bear (on her right)
Final toddler photoshoot tips:
Every toddler has his or her own unique personality and it is really okay if they are not smiling for the pictures. Instead have images that reflect who they really are. Let them roam the space, let them be wild. After all, they are only little once!