Pets are not just a part of your family, but also a trusty companion and family member. Naturally, many would want to include their furry friends in the family photoshoot. If you are planning to have a photoshoot with your pet, read on for some of our top tips to prepare for a memorable shoot.
General Tips
1. Groom your pet before the session.
As with any type of photoshoot, it’s important for those involved to look the part. Do set aside time to groom your pet before the session – make sure their eyes are clean, remove any lint and debris, and give their fur a good brush.
*Pro-tips: Trim stray fur away from their eyes. Clean and tidy fur around their mouth.

2. Dress with your pet in mind.
When planning outfits for your pet photoshoot, always keep your pet in mind. Dress in colours that will not clash with their fur colours. You will also want to avoid loud patterns. Generally, you won’t go wrong with solid, neutral tones.

That said, if your pet is a shedder, you should avoid wearing colours that will show their hair. For example, if you have a golden retriever, you’ll probably have to stay away from any black or dark-coloured outfits.

3. Bring treats and toys.
Getting your pets to cooperate during a photoshoot is no easy feat, but some bribery will definitely help. Prepare your pet’s favourite treats to entice them to look into the camera. This could work brilliantly for pets that tend to be a little tougher to position, such as cats. Just take note not to feed them too much before the session so that they’ll still be interested in the treats during the shoot.

You might also want to bring along your pet’s favourite toy. However, make sure to not bring out the toy till you’re ready to take a photo to ensure that they don’t get distracted and lose focus early on in the session.

4. Let them be.
To make the most of the photoshoot, let your pets be who they are. You don’t always have to coax them into unnatural poses – there is a unique beauty in capturing candid moments. Let them roam around and be in their element. You are also encouraged to interact with them and let the photographer capture your natural interactions.

5. Be calm and have fun.
Things may not go exactly as planned, and that’s alright! Remember that unpredictability is what makes pet photoshoots so fun and exciting. Don’t worry if your pet is not following your instructions or being stubborn – just go with the flow and let the photographer do the magic!

For Those With Doggos
6. Warm up before the session.
To prevent your dog from getting overly excited during the session, it is important for him to expend some energy before the photoshoot. Take him for a walk in the park, a jog around the neighbourhood, or even the doggy daycare to play with his furry pals. With a little exercise before the session, your dog can better relax and focus on you and the photographer.

7. Practise some basic commands.
In the weeks leading up to the photoshoot, make time to practise some basic commands with your dog, such as “sit”, “stay”, and “down”. With consistent and regular practice, your dog will be better able to follow instructions and cooperate with the photographer during the shoot. If your dog knows any unique tricks, make sure to practise those as well!

8. Prepare some noisemakers.
The secret to capturing adorable and priceless expressions on your dog’s face is a toy that squeaks or makes a funny, high-pitched noise. However, take care not to overuse the noisemakers to prevent your dog from losing interest – save them for when you really need his attention.

Let Oh Dear Studio help you with your next pet photoshoot. Speak to us today!