Nothing is more beautiful than everlasting love. Let’s celebrate our parents’ Wedding Anniversary and their latest milestone! But what gift is suitable? There’s no greater present than the immortalise of the present. Wedding Anniversary Photoshoot!
Stumped or clueless on Wedding Anniversary Gift Idea for your parents or for your partner? A really safe way is to get (them) a present that reflects the wedding anniversary theme but if you are looking for something more personalised and special, a Wedding Anniversary Photoshoot might just be your answer!

When was the last time your parents truly spent some quality couple time together, a date just about them, posing like newly-weds? Giggling, looking tenderly into each other’s eyes or just leaning onto each other for support.. Such shots are very common among young couples, but seldom do you see the elderly and those who’ve been married for decades looking so affectionate.
“Photoshoot is not only about the photographs, it’s the experience.
The time spent creating memories together!” – Melody

Some tips for preparing your parents (or your special one!) for the Wedding Anniversary Gift photoshoot!
#1 Nobody really likes to be taken by surprise so let them know in ahead of their very special Wedding Anniversary Gift. This way, they can plan in advance their preferred outfits or makeup.

#2 Many couples might need some initial convincing, but reassure them the shoot is going to be fun and natural. Their photographer, Melody, will guide them along and it would be as natural as possible.
#3 Some elderly couples are really shy, so it might be a good idea to let their grandchildren (or even yourself!) join in!
Related read: Multi-Generation Big Family Photoshoot

#4 The Photoshoot is really about them, their outfits should reflect their personality as well! Are they glamorous or more down-to-earth? Come in their favourite cheongsam or Kebaya!
#5 Props are not necessary but sentimental ideas will really add a depth to the shoot. Wedding rings / photographs of them when they were younger / love letters..

“No one had ever asked them to pose and hold hand or kiss for a long time, there’s always a bit of hysteria, mixed with a bit of embarrassment. That is the magical secret ingredient that crafts heartwarming, real photographs” – Melody

The best part after the photo-shoot? There will be beautifully crafted photographs for your (and your parents) keepsake. Be it digital-files or a canvas to adorn their walls. Let’s get in touch and discuss about your Wedding Anniversary Gift for Parents!