Why is the above canvas blur and What is 5R Soft Copy?
5R is a photo-size at 5”x7” (5 inches by 7 inches) or (12.7cm x 17.8cm), roughly half the size of an A4.
It is one of the standardized photo-size recognized by most professional and printing shops today.
5R – 2250 pixel by 1500 pixel, 300DPI
S8R – 3600 pixel by 2400 pixel, 300DPI
Full Resolution – 8000 pixel by 5333 pixel, 300DPI

How big can I print my 5R Soft Copy?
The resolution is best for printing at 5R, which is 5 inches by 7 inches.
For best (optimum) picture quality – up to roughly half the size of an A4 sized paper.
Can I print my 5R Soft Copy onto bigger sizes prints?
Yes – you can stretch it to 6R but anything bigger than that will result in loss of picture quality.
Details start becoming pixelated, and the overall picture becomes blurry.

But it’s a soft copy, why can’t I just print it to canvas?
You can print it to any size you want since it is a digital soft copy. However, the resolution is 5”x7” (2250pixel x 1500pixel). In layman term, when you print it much bigger, you are simply stretching it to many many times the original intended size. This will result in blur or pixelated images as an end result.

How about printing 5R Soft Copies onto a coffee-table album?
The resolution of your 5R soft copies are intended for 5inches by 7Inches, it is fine if you are going for a small album, like 6 inches in size. But for a bigger book of 10 inches or more, you will be stretching the images and they will not end up as clear and sharp.
So what can I do if I want a big display?
The answer is easy – let us print it for you!
Oh Dear Studio offers big display prints.
Each image printed with us will be beautifully retouched and professionally crafted by a local professional printer. I will QC the end result by myself and will make sure each print is perfect.
You can check out more details at: https://ohdearstudio.com.sg/rates/#addon

Alternatively, you can upgrade the resolution of your soft copy to full resolution and have it printed at your preferred printer. Just top up the price difference! Example $120 – $40 = you top up $80 to upgrade to full resolution soft copy. (Please discuss with Melody more)

But you had already photographed it, I paid for you to photograph me. Why can’t you just give it to me?
I believe in the quality and value of my work and I trust you do too. Much like the traditional photo-studios, films or negatives are never given out. To keep my pricing honest, fair, consistent and budget-friendly, a smaller printing resolution (5R) is included in the Premium package. Hence, as much as I would like to give them to you, they have to be charged additionally as a separate purchase option.
I would hate to disappoint you so do discuss with me your preferences and we could definitely work something out!